Players from Concord De La Salle’s 2019 squad (left) pose for photo after winning fourth straight CIF North Coast Section D1 title. At right is image of pitcher Cole Hamels from when he was at Rancho Bernardo of San Diego. He pitched as a sophomore on RB’s famed team from 2000 season. Photos: Mark Tennis & warroomphilly.com.
This group of all-time state squads is led by Lompoc of 1970, which went 27-1 and had two first-round MLB draft picks. We also have last season’s State Team of the Year from De La Salle of Concord debuting in the all-time list at No. 15.
To check out teams selected from No. 1 to No. 10 in these updated all-time state rankings, CLICK HERE.
To check out teams selected from No. 25 to No. 40 in these updated all-time state rankings, CLICK HERE.
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