Sac State-bound outfielder Brianna Bowers (left) of Napa was one of the best from the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section with a .511 average on 46 hits with 16 steals and 31 RBI. Brooke Marquez (right) from Hart of Newhall shined with a .506 average on 43 hits and the junior also has a 4.16 GPA. Photos: TheBeatOfTheDrum.org & Courtesy Marquez Family.
The first teams for the 36th annual Cal-Hi Sports all-state softball honors are now just a few days from being done. This list of nominees is once again grouped according to CIF sections, but has been updated from Part 1. We thank everyone who contributed information. It is still not too late to send in a nomination or any other information so we get it into our files before sitting down to make selections. This list, however, as well as the all-state underclass teams and our Inside the All-State Softball Team post will be for Gold Club members only.
Note: Nominations are always welcome and no one has to be a subscriber to see some of our all-state content. Still, we depend on Gold Club memberships to fund the work we do at this time. To join our team today, CLICK HERE.
What We’re Looking For: You can send a nomination with each athlete’s position, year in school, significant statistics. It’s amazing how many people don’t list a position or year in school. Comparing a player not on the board yet to one who already is can be very important toward eventual selection. Limit each nomination to one page please. Send to: markjtennis@gmail.com or call/text (209) 608-1317.
Format: Thirty players will be chosen all-state overall first team with 30 more on second team plus additional lists. Each of the first 30 players are written up. There also are 30 players each for large schools, medium schools and small schools. The all-state underclass team will consist of juniors, sophomores and freshmen mixed together.
Pitchers Who Hit, Hitters Who Pitch: We have had as many as nine players listed as multi-purpose on the various all-state softball teams over the years. For this reason, it is very important to identify those pitchers who have hitting statistics or those hitters who have pitched. Please indicate in any nomination which positions a player played.
Here are the nominations currently on our board for the various 2018 all-state softball teams: