The selection of Mater Dei’s Stanley Johnson on Monday to play in the Under Armour Elite 24 summer showcase on August 24 (televised by ESPNU) was a feature item on the first day of the new Cal-Hi Sports Insider blog. Photo: Nick Koza.
New blog that can be checked multiple times a day on CalHiSports.com to offer breaking news, notes you can’t find anywhere else, plus exclusive tidbits and insights from some of the most knowledgeable and experienced prep writers in the state.
Please bookmark our Cal-Hi Sports Insider Blog: CalHiSports.com/blog For simple updates and insights, check out our twitter page @CalHiSports and for other updates please visit our Facebook page. To subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, click here. To browse through our various photo galleries, click here. To check out our YouTube channel, click here.
To check out our new blog, CLICK HERE . Please bookmark the Cal-Hi Sports Insider Blog: CalHiSports.com/blog
Tweets have their place in high school sports, especially on busy game nights. With 140 characters, however, there’s only so much abbreviating one can do.
Major content initiatives, such as state rankings packages, feature stories, all-state teams, preseason honor squads and historical features, are extremely important. Those are necessary, fun and sometimes challenging, but they’re hard to produce quickly and we want to keep pace with the quickly changing, social media-driven high school landscape.
In order to do that today on CalHiSports.com marks the debut of the Cal-Hi Sports Insider, our daily blog. This will be the landing spot for those news items that just can’t be condensed into a tweet and those that we want to break quickly and effortlessly.
The first five entries on our new Cal-Hi Sports Insider Blog are below:
Two Californians in Elite 24 boys basketball event. CLICK HERE.
Preview of Sunday’s NorCal Clash boys basketball event. CLICK HERE.
Local ties in Stockton for defending Colorado state champs in football that are going up against Central of Fresno on Saturday. CLICK HERE.
Ronnie Flores laments the lack of top running backs in the L.A. City Section. CLICK HERE.
A chat with the former linebacker coach of Carson’s unbelievable 1987 defense. CLICK HERE.
The three primary writers of Cal-Hi Sports – editor Mark Tennis, managing editor Ronnie Flores and San Francisco Bay Area associate editor Harold Abend – will all be blogging on the Cal-Hi Sports Insider. It’s the place we’ll use for breaking news, college commitments, injury updates, and just good ‘ol quick comments on the hottest topics. We’ll also use the blog to preview content items and events or tell you if any of our normal content schedules have to be changed.
To longtime followers of Cal-Hi Sports, it’s going to be Prep Notes With A Twist basically every day of the year.
Stockton office assistant Paul Muyskens will aid in the compilation of blog items.
In an effort to streamline the blogging process, Mark Tennis will primarily blog about items from the CIF San Diego, Central, Sac-Joaquin and Northern sections. Email him at markjtennis@gmail.com.
Ronnie Flores is primarly blogging for the CIF L.A. City and CIF Southern Sections. Email him at ronlocc1977@yahoo.com.
Harold Abend, meanwile, will handle primary blogging responsibilities for the CIF Central Coast, CIF North Coast, CIF Oakland and CIF San Francisco sections. Email him at marketingharoldabend@gmail.com.
This is intended to be a free-flowing blog, however, so you never know what any of us may write about on any given day!
We hope everyone likes this next step in the evolution of CalHiSports.com. We’re just getting started.
Please bookmark the Cal-Hi Sports Insider Blog: CalHiSports.com/blog