Bishop O ‘Dowd girls team is all smiles after capturing the first-ever CIF Open Division championship.
As a courtesy to users of this site, we want to announce that the release of this year’s boys and girls teams is being delayed at least one week. But we think it’s for a good reason.
Many people may be visiting our website this week with interest in seeing the 2013 all-state basketball teams, wondering just exactly when those teams will begin to be released.
Sure, we hope many folks will check out this week’s state rankings in baseball and softball and the latest state stat stars and more, but for the all-state basketball teams (boys and girls) we want to advise those interested users they will not be announced this week.
Those posts will be released in conjunction with our new re-launched version of CalHiSports.com. The site is changing from a blog format like this one being offered now into a much more interactive, comprehensive web site that will include more of what we do best.
The new CalHiSports.com will be ready for launch the week of Monday, April 29.
In addition to the boys and girls all-state basketball teams, other highlights of the first few days of the new website will include:
•Cal-Hi Sports’ ranking of the 20 greatest high school baseball teams in state history
•Our solution for the CIF to fix the new CIF open divisions for boys and girls basketball
•Our rankings of the Top 20 Football Quarterbacks For The Class of 2014
•Plus, new messageboards, more video and more photo galleries.
Sorry about the delay for this year’s all-state basketball teams, but we hope everyone will think the wait has been worthwhile.
For any comments, questions, corrections or to keep those all-state nominations coming, email me at markjtennis@gmail.com.
Mark Tennis
I wanted to send you some awards and qualifications for Ben Perez, a player that is nominated in the San Diego region, in hopes to shed some light on what he has met to the San Marcos Knights basketball program.
Feel free. Contact information is listed in the update.
I am looking forward to the girls teams being released.